Educational Opportunities

Educational Opportunities through the Agricultural Energy Efficiency Initiative

A variety of energy-related educational workshops are planned during 2014 and 2015.  Information on these sessions will be posted on this page as they develop.  This page also will host links to various online content related to understanding energy efficiency practices and renewable energy technologies.

Participants in the AEEI program are able to increase their cost-share rate by participating in some type of energy-related educational workshop, or web content.  Participants can satisfy this criteria by attending an energy-related in person workshop OR by reviewing one online educational resource and then  completing this short survey. Of course, participants are invited to attend as many workshops and utilize as many online educational resources as they wish.

Please note this page will be periodically updated to reflect new AEEI-related workshops, and other online resources, as they are developed  over the course of this two-year program.




Future Online Webinars